Franck LASRY - Paris

• Doctor in Dental Surgery, University of Paris V (1974)
• Post graduate in Biology ,University of Paris V (1978)
• Post graduate in Prosthesis ,University of Paris VII (1981)
• Post graduate in clinical dentistry, Boston University USA ( 1983)
• Diplomate of Catholic University of Leuwen (Belgium) (1986)
• Diplomate of Branemark clinic in Göteborg ( Sweden) (1989)
• Doctor in Implant Surgery and Prosthesis, University of Paris V (2000)
• In charge of department of Implantology of Hôpital saint Antoine of Paris,since 2001
• Scientific responsible of “Implant surgery certificate of Hôpital saint Antoine of Paris”, since 2002
• President of « Institut Français d’Implantologie Orale »
• Private practice 3, blv saint Germain 75005 Paris

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  • Vie professionnelle
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